Saturday, March 27, 2010

The taste of missing...

It has been one whole week Bb is not by my side...the feeling of loneliness, helplessness and emptiness entrapped me in totality. I miss him very much...

Throughout the week, he has been making his very effort to go online to chat with me just to make sure I'm all right over here and complete his checklist of the day (whether I have had my meal, taken bath, mmm mmm and etc) before hushing me to sleep...Though I really miss his voice, his touch and his kiss; the fact that he never once send me off to sleep discontented makes me feel so much loved.

I love you, Baby Fremon...Come back to me soon, okay? :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Attributes to Mark Lee's Blog...Salute goes to you!

A friend shared with me an article of one Chinese-written blog on Management In Company sometimes ago. It was amusingly sarcastic yet true to the core, cynically factual as per what we see in real life back in our battlefield.

Let’s quote a real-life example but with lil’ alteration to avoid coincidence of names and scenario :p

A private tuition centre named Cemerlang is doing their Annual Action Plan for year 2010. It supposed to be done by January 2010 but up to March it’s still in chaos. Nevermind, that’s not the core matter we address here today. The Principal of Pusat Tuisyen Cemerlang set KPIs for each department. One of the KPIs for the English department (which consists of 3 English teachers) will be: conducting averagely 3 tuition days for approximately 1000 students in year 2010.

Get the joke? Nevermind, I’ll explain in simple calculation.

Data provided:

Number of English teachers: 3 (having NOT taking into consideration that senior teacher will bully junior :P)

Number of students: 1000

Targeted average tuition day per student in year 2010: 3 days

Mandatory: No external source which will incur cost will be allowed.

Hypothesis: IMPOSSIBLE to be achieved. Those who tried will die in various diseases (overworked, exhaustion, depression, mental disorder) and yet die without achieving even average of 1 day tuition per student.


Assumption: Assuming 20% of students withdraw from the school or couldn’t attend classes for any sort
of reason (diarrhea, MC, decease, truancy); there will be only 800 students left

Number of tuition days in total for 800 students= 800 x 3 days = 2400 days

Each English teacher will have to teach for = 2400/ 3 teachers (3 teachers by assumption only yea :P)
= 800 days in a year

Common sense/Facts: 365 days in a year

Weekend : 52 x 2(Saturday & Sunday) = 104 days

Annual leave = 16 days

Public holiday: 19 days – those fall on Saturday =9 days

Total working day in year 2010= 365-104-16-9
= 236 days

1. There are 236 working days in Selangor state for year 2010 and 3 English teachers in Pusat Tuisyen Cemerlang are measured against their KPI to complete 800 tuition days each to achieve 3 average tuition days per student for 800 students. Interesting?

2. Simple calculation yet an almighty Principal who climbs to the top of hierarchy and having more than 25 years of working experience fails to see. Amusing?

CONCLUSION: When people climb higher, they start to shit using their heads and think using their asses (quoted and altered from Mark Lee’s Blog)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How A 5 Minutes Reading Do Wonders!

Starting my day at work with a 5-minutes reading…and guess what; I learn alot!

With just the slightest thought of reading some updates from a blog recommended by Hie, I ended up finishing the topic you wouldn’t believe I set my eyes upon: Parenting.

With each article revealed the diminutive activities done from infant to toddler but it never fail to bring beams to the mother’s eye…and myself too.

I’m astounded on how impactful the process of parenting change a person’s insights and deeds.

From the very first time they learn to turn, sit, crawl and babbling to the moment they attempt their first standing up debut, walking unsteadily and cry out ‘mama’ and 'papa'; it’s full of wisdom.

We might carelessly shrug it off as it might mean insignificant to us adult as we perform it effortlessly…but to them; it’s their FIRST TIME….It means WORLD to them…and our reaction towards their achievement will either boost or kill their fragile little esteem.

So much to learn from life…

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

If Only I'm A Dandelion...

Flaw makes us humane and imperfection perfected us…that will be what I always say…but when it’s my turn, would I be able to shrug it off as easily as a dandelion spreads its' windborne seeds? I have no answer…

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Walking down the memory lane of childhood...

To my surprise, Hie sent me an oldies song last two days...'当我们小的时候'
and both of us chatted long on the topic then...talked about how the painfully sweet and full of bruises childhood created most of our memories back then...

Being a bunch of small rascals and peculiarly you find us lil' girls instead of boy; we never let our mom have a day of rest...for every now and then she will have to send us to hospital to get some stitches done...either to jaw, ears, finger, knee or toes...

We shared on how unique my mom's parenting style~ we get to her...get beaten up first...then finally send to each and everyone of us 5 siblings here will get the same fate should we get ourselves hurt one way or the other...

We laughed on how Ying used to get herself a double stitching job performed for the same wound on her jaw...for the sake of gluttony over an apple...

We giggled on how the publicly known "Refugee" back then has now becoming ADOS for a world-class renowned HR Hotel...

We chuckled at how we terribly skinned and peeled ourselves yet did not have the nerve to surrender our wound to mom~

Those were the days...days playing around gutters, days of rope-skipping, days of barbie dolls and days of worries-free...blanketed with mom's loud caring voice and showered with toiled lovely hands of hers.

In a blink...we are now all adults; each with own lifestyles and career; some with family of their own as time flies!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Sigh of Whisper...

The same old question with the same old answer...but somehow or rather this time I pay a lil' extra attention to the same old question asked...and ponder on it as well for quite sometime...

Could it be influence or own will; I don't have an exact answer...but the thought of it did curve a smile and frown the brows...for there are reasons to think for not only twice...

Maybe only the same subtle whisper can be heard after a long sigh...Whatever will be will be~